Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Relationship with Oneself

I return 'to my past home' to see Makiah but no one is I let myself in and make myself at home, doing several loads of laundry, folding clothes, emptying the dishwasher and continuing my meditation in a space all to familiar for  the last six years.

All life is about relationships. And the most important relationship of all is with oneself. Master oneself and the world is yours, THEY say. So this is kinda where this blog takes a divergent kind of twist. How to tell the TRUTH and how to keep the story positive and upbeat and educational for EVERYONE involved.
So, I will use my lessons learned as examples....hopefully several other spin off books or films or projects will spin off from this blog. I think we ALL have our own individual unique miraculous creative perspectives on the truth...and ...I believe consciousness and other natural systems or mediums do contain some aspects of THE TRUTH...which makes life somewhat manageable in co-creating and co-designing systems of utopia.

The Self is made up of many internal perspectives and layers of perspectives. Complex we ALL be. How we SEE ourselves, feel and know oneself we complete the integral 'perfect portraiture' of ourselves within our natural rasa, or essential nature is the foundation of how we love oneself.... loving oneself is what defines EVERY RELATIONSHIP you will ever experience.  If the foundation of THE PERSPECTIVE of oneself isn't full, total and complete....neither will the richness of your relations. Empty holes or aspects of your 'perfect portraiture' will assist you always in forming relationships filled with pain and abuse. Learning how to LOVE oneself and being free to express oneself is the basics of life time health and happiness. Simple and easy as that.

So I'll leave out the MAJOR INSPIRATIONAL CHARACTERS of this blog for another day. Let it be accounted they are very normal people learning to learn how to master the art of life so to best full fill their Dream BIG Dreams. They are AMAZING life partners...full of beauty and grace and geniusness AND the most CHALLENGING relationships of my life. Enough said for now.

Back to SELF.....left brain right brain intelligence. Emotional, spatial and intuitive integrated. Beta, alpha, theta, delta brain waves balanced ...peace ....charka flow of energy with heart based centered communication systems. Balance balance balance.....balancing the conscious and unconscious mind with awareness of all the positive negative archetypal characters directing your games of play. Seems like there is always a new internal system to balance. Makiah taught me the simple "happy hands, happy feet, happy" dance to bring oneself into simple and easy balance with the planet, oneself and the universe. There are very simple profound ways to maintain that ONE magical relationship with the creator....but I have never found them too easy to find.

My birthday was day four of my homeless meditation and it was almost perfect in my eyes and heart. The best birthday probably ever. With Joe Jennison hosting a large community volunteer dinner party in the towns was classic beautiful MainStreet Mount Vernon USA event. Makiah and I had a good time. The large crowd sang happy birthday to me and a cake and candles were wished upon and devoured.

Diving into the depths of dysfunction followed. Remembering to remember, remembering to know, remembering to learn, remembering THE LOVE, remembering the journey, remembering THE DANCE, remembering enough that all pathways of the future were known.

I began to be concerned about not sleeping...very little eating with NO appetite, I really enjoyed. I met with Rev Catherine, the expert on all things meditation and she didn't seem to be of concern and I certainly was feeling NO areas of concern with my body....balanced, calm, yet energized, peaceful, alert, all systems humming radiating and acting like I would never again need to sleep. Kinda weird I thought because I always was one to love sleeping and dreaming.

More issues exposed. More pain. More insights. And on to the my first night of homelessness.

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