Sunday, September 18, 2011

A heavenly suicide into Paradise Utopia

A full day of tailgating at the front door to Kinnick Stadium watching the Iowa Hawkeyes come from the largest come from behind victory in their history.

My sister and husband had gone to the game leaving Makiah and I in charge of the big screen tv and the small gathering of people watching the game on the side of their brand new Winnebago View motor home.

Makiah would rather be ON the field Playing than during most the game we played catch in the parking lot. It ended up everyone wanted to play with him as they thought he was amazing. With some coaching from an expert his throwing improved to WOW level. He felt good about being the new Ricky Stanzi on campus.

After the game we walked about three or four miles to pick up my car....he did a great job with the walk. Then drove to Marion to deliver him to his brother Nick, for a night of playing and bonding.

I returned to Mount Vernon to take a shower and prepare myself for the night. The World's Most Amazing Mom was HOME and we had a dialogue. She felt that I really needed sleep. She thought I looked distraught.  She offered some sleeping pills and I settled for a short back message. She left. I rested for a couple minutes. Then got up full of energy and took a shower and prepared myself for another night of 'whatever' meditation.  I headed over to Allie Chapel on the Cornell College Campus. I put down my pendleton blanket, lite a candle and started to listen to the silence. Quickly, I was told to give up life and death. I was feeling complete about life. I had everything and MORE, everything and TOO MUCH. I began RELEASING everything about life and death. I started to get antsy. I couldn't sit...I started wanting to commit suicide. I starting crying hysterically. I didn't have any real desire to live anymore. I didn't want to live life without MY BELOVED. I meditated between my crying attacks on any addictions or sickness attached to my relationships. Nothing. I was cleared to proceed with my ultimate vision of suicide. Paradise Utopia.

Makiah was born at HOME. I delivered him from his wildly screaming MOM early morning June 22 1999 after a wonderful evening drumming meditation at Palisades Park outside Mount Vernon. First responders and the ambulance arrived in time to hurry the three of us to Mercy Hospital in Iowa City. Where baby Makiah was rushed to University Hospitals while exhausted MOM was told..."your discharged NOW"
We followed shortly to find our new child in intensive care unit full of wires and tubes. MOM checked herself into the hospital for a couple days of needed rest. Because of acute aortic stenosis a heart operation followed.....and since that first day he returned HOME, he slept between MOM and DAD...not just for a month or two til he could sleep in his crib but years and years followed of Makiah sleeping between US...til the last years when Tia, MOM's ugly untrained boxer took my place in the bed and I slept alone upstairs.

For some reason I had been imprinted with my Paradise Utopia vision of the THREE of us cuddled together in the warm love of that blissful FAMILY bond. We were BLESSED. Despite ALL the dysfunction. I just wanted to escape from being homeless and return to that perfect blissful way of being a FAMILY unit...hugging my two BELOVED LOVES....and falling peacefully to my death full sleep. I cried and sobbed as I felt the experience unfolding. I knew that if I could meditate complete WAKEFULNESS by a simple desire, that the act of 'disconnecting' or death would be so simple. I was anxious to go HOME. I put on my sweat shirt and jacket and started walking quickly home to my eternal sleep.

I drew a simple line drawing titled, Paradise Utopia ....and three simple line drawings of MOM...MAKIAH...DAD. Then got into my lovely large soft warm bed and said "GOOD-BYE" to this world and everyTHING in it.

..................................................................... I WOKE UP!   AGAIN!!! After a couple of hours of sleep, the first sleep in nine days..... I was wide awake, and completely dumbfounded.

The Beloved

My transition of being homeless lead me to Iowa City.

I hung out with a friend, sharing the meditation techniques of The Awakened One. The Awakened One is a wooden sculpture that was given to me by a friend several decades ago. The statue is from the Sung Dynasty in China. My friend Liesel grow up in china as her dad was employed by Standard Oil back in the early 1920's. The Awakened One is my favorite piece of art.

I have decided to sell the artwork to support my work of spreading the message of ENLIGHTENMENT and the New American Renaissance. I hope to engage China, India and America in purchasing The Awakened One in order to create, design and finance a new program of cultural exchange. I am hoping Aung Sun Suu Kyi of Burma will facilitate the sale.

I started my meditation on the ped mall time to see the students rush out of the bars and bustle home in the chilled air. I was engaged in a conversation by a young bright philosophy student. She was dragging an adult boy toy with her, he stood nearby speechless as Mother Mary talked about her four year old daughter and about having just come from having sex on the nearby bank rooftop, apparently one of her new found pleasures in life. She wanted my pendleton blanket. She was bright and inquisitive, wanting to know everything I knew about life .....she wanted MORE but really couldn't define what that might mean....she grabed her man-boy toy and walked into the night.

I decided to head over to my favorite place in town. The meditation room at University Hospitals. It was the year anniversary of Makiah's heart surgery. A traumatic time of replacing both his heart valves by Dr. Tom Davis. Everything has seemed to be perfect. This last year has brought amazing new maturity and growth and happiness to ALL of us. I spent about six hours in GRATITUDE.

And came away with visions of THE BELOVED, and knowing our hearts were ONE and the same.

How silly I seem to myself, the most simple profound TRUTHS sometimes seem so hidden in the muck.

goodnight John Boy.
goodnight Clitoris.